Thursday 21 November 2013

Dealers & Converters : TankBlanket - The Motorhome & Caravan Tank Heater

TankBlanket:  Winterisation that Works

 Dealer & Converters: TankBlanket – The Motorhome Tank Heater
Premier Leisure Products would like to introduce TankBlanket. 

It is no secret that winterisation is the next battleground for manufacturers as consumers change their behaviour and demand to use their vehicles throughout the year.
TankBlanket, the tank heater, satisfies this requirement through providing a genuine cost effective solution that works.

TankBlanket : The Motorhome & Caravan Heater ..... Winterisation that wroks!
The Motorhome tank heater
 Within the leisure industry and amongst consumers it is common knowledge that the traditional in-tank probe does not provide a robust solution to winterisation. A single probe has a capacity of only 45 litres and is suspended inside the tank which can result in leaks and it has a lengthy installation time. TankBlanket is available in two sizes and protects tanks up to 90 and 121L capacities, is applied to the outside of the tank, needs no drilling and is guaranteed not to cause leaks.

TankBlanket is a thermostatically controlled tank heater pad and requires a 12V dc fused and switched power supply. It can be powered by a 240V hook up feed through the vehicle leisure battery.

TankBlanket at -15 degC
TankBlanket out performs the current in-tank probe at all levels including material and labour costs. It is the best selling Motorhome winterisation system in America and is certified and listed with third party testing houses throughout the world and specifically Europe. Units installed in 1991 are still operating today.
It has been cold chamber tested in the UK with exceptional results. Refer to our pictorial blog and see for yourself.... its performance amazed everyone involved!
Below are some guidelines on how to install and operate TankBlanket but support is available from Premier Leisure Products at anytime. TankBlanket is being developed into a complete modular winterisation system covering all aspects of fresh and waste water protection facilitating true four season motorhoming.
TankBlanket should ALWAYS be:-
  • Located on the bottom of the holding tank and lay flat.
  • Positioned as close to the feed outlet pipe as is practical and if space is restricted, TankBlanket can be wrapped around the sides of the tank, but, the majority of the pad MUST still be positioned on the Tank bottom.
  • If the fresh or waste water tank has grooves or ribs then, still position the TankBlanket  as close to the outlet pipe as is practical and select a position that minimises contact with them.
  • The ambient temperature must be at or above 10 °C when applying the TankBlanket to the fresh or waste water tank.
  • TankBlanket should never be fitted over the metal straps; it MUST always be fitted directly onto the tank.
  • Do not position the TankBlanket so that the tank metal straps cover the sensor, which is the 6mm X 19mm raised lump close to where the power leads enter the pad.
  • When pre-cleaning the tank only use soap & water and an Alcohol based wipe.

 To operate TankBlanket:-
  • Make sure TankBlanket is only used when there is liquid in the holding tank.
  • Turn 'ON' TankBlanket when you know the ambient temperature will approach freezing. The LED illuminated switch will indicate there is power to the circuit.
  • When the temperature in the holding tank drops to 6.7 °C the thermostat on TankBlanket will turn the heater element 'ON'.
  • When the contents of the tank rises to 18 °C the TankBlanket thermostat will turn the system 'OFF'.
  • Turn the TankBlanket power switch 'OFF' when draining fluid, hooking up or starting a power generator. This will prevent any damage to the built-in thermostat.
  • Turn 'OFF' the TankBlanket power switch when the ambient temperature remains above freezing.


 TankBlanket is The Tank Heater for Winterisation that Works!

Interested in becoming part of the TankBlanket story?
Please contact us at:


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If so please leave a comment. Thanks in advance. 

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If so, please visit our website and leave feedback on our ‘Ideas’ tag,
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To find out more about The TankBlanket System please visit:


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